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New IQ at the wheel

The AI-based LOXO Digital Driver™ Software is Europe’s first Level 4 autonomous driving technology to operate on public roads. The joint ‘Planzer – Dynamic Micro Hub with LOXO’ project aims to validate this technology in the context of Swiss cities.

Virtual mapping for rapid decision-making

LOXO Digital Driver™ combines generative artificial intelligence with a sensor stack. It is based on two components that seamlessly interact: LOXOFuser and LOXOGuard. Independently of each other, they instantly map the urban areas they first encounter and, as digital controls, always make the best navigation decision in real time.

Affordable and effective

The virtual mapping approach of LOXO Digital Driver™ Software significantly improves the scalability of this highly automated transport solution and has the potential to establish it as the standard for parcel delivery. It ensures that operations run quickly and cost-effectively, by enabling efficient deliveries at any time.

Gradual progress towards Level 4

Swiss approval for commercial vehicles with Level 4 automation is adopting a multi-phase approach. During the initial phase, someone must be present behind the wheel for safety reasons, while LOXO Digital Driver™ controls the vehicle. If certain performance KPIs are achieved, this person can move to the passenger seat. Finally, they can be replaced by a human supervisor who intervenes remotely if required.

LOXO Digital Driver™ Software

Five good reasons

  • Combination of radar, lidar, sonar, camera and powerful algorithms
  • Virtual mapping improves the scalability of the solution
  • In addition to Planzer and LOXO, other technology partners are also on board
  • Complies with the Swiss approval regulation for Level 4 autonomous driving technology
  • Potential to become the technological standard for the last mile